Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Deal with Noisy Neighbors


When a neighbor’s noise bothers you, the best solution for everyone is usually a polite conversation. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work. Some neighbors won’t respond to a friendly request, and sometimes the source of the noise isn’t so easy to control—like a crying baby. When the amicable approach doesn’t get the job done, it’s important to understand your rights and know where to look for help and information.


Noise and Your Lease

First, look to your lease. Most standard leases include a right to “quiet enjoyment” of the property, which means that you have a right to use your apartment in peace. And, in order to ensure that other tenants enjoy that right as well, your lease probably prohibits excessive noise. In essence, you can’t disturb your neighbors with your noise and they can’t disturb you with theirs.

Although your lease won’t provide you direct recourse against your neighbors, your landlord or property manager can enforce those lease provisions against your neighbor. So, a simple call to management may be all it takes to put a stop to the problem. Of course, some management companies are more responsive than others, and some tenants take notices from the landlord more seriously than others. If complaining to management doesn’t solve the problem, you have additional legal options.

Noise Ordinances

Most cities and/or counties have noise ordinances, local laws that restrict noise within city or county limits. The phrasing of these ordinances varies, and some include different requirements for different times of the day and night. In most areas, you can find a copy of your local ordinances on your city or county website.  If you don’t know where to find your local government website, try searching any major search engine—the page you’re looking for should be among your first few results.

Noise ordinances are a powerful tool for those struggling with noisy neighbors because they are enforced by local police and Sheriff’s departments. When that stereo next door starts to shake your walls in the evening, simply pick up the phone and call the police. Depending on the source of the noise, other agencies may also be involved in enforcement. For example, in some areas local animal control will respond to ongoing problems with a barking dog.

Lawsuits against Noisy Neighbors

If all else fails, you may have a cause for action against your noisy neighbors for violating the local noise ordinance, interfering with your quiet enjoyment of your home and possible other claims. However, if your goal is to put an end to the noise then it probably isn’t something you can resolve in small claims court. That means you’ll likely need an attorney to advise you on your potential claims, draft the complaint and help you present your case. This kind of action is expensive for everyone and likely to drive a lasting wedge between you and your neighbor.

It’s usually to everyone’s advantage to work out the problem with your neighbor if that’s possible, and only  escalate to contacting the police or consulting an attorney when it becomes clear that no amicable solution is available.

How do you deal with noisy neighbors?



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Separating Life From Work When You Work From Home



Lately my life has gone into "busy mode", but as those of us who work for ourselves often say, it's the good kind of busy. Working from home I often work late into the night and then I'm right back at it the next morning (sometimes without enough sleep). I really love the work I do...I might even be a bit obsessed, and so often it's really hard for me to push away from my desk. While I enjoy the work, lately my apartment is beginning to feel like an office where I also sleep instead of the place I come home to.

If you also work from home, or even if you just often bring your work home with you, you likely know the feeling. You work until you're exhausted and when you go to bed you dream about work. You get to work in the morning before you've even had a coffee or a bite to eat, and even when you're watching TV, your laptop is open so you can continue working even when you should be enjoying some down time.

Winter is coming, which for me usually means I'm more productive as I lock myself away to avoid the cold. This means I need to work harder on balancing my work and personal time since I have no patio to escape to, and no bike trails to spend a warm afternoon exploring. This winter I've committed to maintaining a more balanced work/personal life, and so I'm working on some ground rules to hopefully make sure when I'm relaxing at home, I'm actually able to relax:

No working from the couch, or worse, working from bed
Sloping on the couch or lying in bed with my laptop is admittedly a terrible posture for getting things done. My couch needs to be a place I go to relax, to play guitar, to watch a movie.

No working while I eat
In the morning, I need to make breakfast before I get to work, and sit at the dining table and enjoy my meal. When I eat when I work I tend to eat everything so fast I'm not even satisfied, as if I didn't even notice I ate.

Setting regular hours and scheduling down time
This one is hard since my schedule changes frequently during the week based on client needs, but I need to recognize the need for flexible space in my daily schedule where nothing is planned, and I can just do nothing.

Buffer work and sleep
If I'm working through a really difficult problem late at night, and I really need to get some rest, I really need to be careful to buffer work and sleep. When I go to bed with a problem on my mind, my brain works all night trying to solve it. The problem is the next morning I'm just exhausted with no tangible solution. I need time offline, to read a chapter of that book I've been neglecting so when I go to sleep my brain can focus on something less stressful than work.

Get some exercise
This is a big one since right now I catch my self sitting for hours on end. If my only exercise is pacing around the room to solve a problem in my head, then clearly I need to take some time to go for a walk, do some Yoga, or hit the gym. Exercise is great for relieving stress, and more than that, It's just another thing I can do and schedule which isn't just sitting at my laptop.

Be distracted for the right reasons
If you have a pet you likely have moments where your dog or cat wants your attention so bad they'll just plow through whatever you're doing to get it. My cat will literally sit on my hands in front of my laptop every morning until I pet her. I have a tendency to ignore this as a distraction, but maybe it's better to just take the time to give the cat the attention she needs which gives me an added break in the day.

When my partner gets home everyday I'm often barely able to peal myself away from what I'm doing to say hello. What I should do is pause what I'm doing, and unwind for a second, listening, and paying attention to my life. Work is important, but only because it lets you enjoy the things you're supposed to like the company of those you care about.


I'm going to do my best to maintain these guidelines over the winter, because as much as I love my work, I realize I feel much better when my life is more balanced. These are just personal guidelines, and I'm sure those of you who share similar concerns might have suggestions of how the list can improve. Feel like you're living out of your office instead of working from home? Drop me a line in the comment section below and share your own tips or plans for living in a more balanced way while working at home.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

5 Tips to Make Your House Appear Cleaner Than It Is



So you get a text message that tells you company is dropping by and they're only 10 blocks away. Don't panic. Take a deep breath, now panic and check out these 5 tips for making your house appear clean in a flash. That's right, I said appear. Who has time to really clean in 10 blocks?

1. Clean the Three T's: Toilets, Tabletops, the Television. What? The television? Yup! Most living rooms are centered around your tv and the amount of dust that hangs on it, your netflix stack and dvd box set pile that's off to one side could be tell tale signs of why the rest of your house isn't exactly spotless. Plus if you sit chatting in the living room, you'll be staring at it wishing you would have moved it. Toilets and tabletops are a bit more self explanatory, but important none the less.

2. Stash with Efficiency: When company drops in we've all been in a situation once or twice where things get tossed in a basket and shoved in the spare bedroom or closet. It's a quick solution, but it can be done with more efficiency so you can find your stuff later on. Add things to your basket according to the room they go in. That way when company leaves, you can remove the items easily without making 100 trips across your house or apartment to put things where they belong.

3. Pet Hair: Even if you have a sparkling clean house, if your sofa is covered with a layer of dog or cat fur, it suddenly looks less tidy. Keep a rubber glove or your favorite pet hair busting product on hand to knock it all down in a few sweeps.

4. Dishes Be Gone in Seconds Flat: Please don't judge me for this tip. Admitting that I've done it more than once is punishment enough alright? So here goes. Put your dishes in your oven. Wait, what? If you pile your dishes in the sink then it looks like you threw them all in there at the last minute as everyone knows you can't really wash dishes in that manner and you'll still look like a slight slob, even though you have clean counters. Instead, grab a baking sheet and stack like items together and slide them in the oven. They'll slide right back out, be prestacked and ready to be washed so you can recover from the guilt you just gave yourself for following through with this tip. Side note: don't preheat your oven... even by accident... until they're removed.

5. Spend 5 Furious Minutes on Your House Everyday: Isn't that cheating? We're talking about last minute company here, not preparing all week long for them to come! True, but think about how much you can clean in those few minutes before they arrive. 10 blocks isn't much. With traffic and parking and walking up your stairs, 5 minutes is a safe estimate. Bring that panic to your life every day and clean with the same intensity for just 5 minutes and your house will always look better for it. Plus, you still have time to watch Raising Hope without telling yourself you'll pick up on commercials.

Do you have a quick clean-up tip that helps you out when company calls? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Mencoba Peruntungan Bisnis Apartement



“Apa sih yang gratis di Jakarta?”  Seringkali kata-kata itulah yang sering terucap di kalangan warga masyarakat jakarta, seiring dengan semakin meroketnya harga kebutuhan sehari-hari yang dipicu oleh isu kenaikan BBM beberapa bulan lalu.  Tentunya kondisi sosial ekonomi inilah yang membuat hidup di jakarta dirasa semakin susah bagi sebagian kalangan menengah ke bawah.  Pernahkah kita berpikir, bisakah kita menjadi orang yang berhasil atau menjadi seorang pengusaha??

Bagi seorang perantauan dan sebagai pegawai biasa di lembaga pemerintahan seperti saya, saya hanya bisa bermimpi dan hanya berani membayangkannya saja.  Tapi dua hari yang lalu, setelah saya membaca artikel di media online dengan judul “Dahlan: Omong Kosong RI Mau Maju Tapi Jumlah Pengusaha Kurang Dari 2 %” pikiran saya pun tergugah dan berpikir “Lantas mau usaha apa di jakarta kalo begitu?”, pernah beberapa bulan sebelumnya saya mencoba membuka usaha sampingan “Toko Mainan Online”, dari sisi keuntungan ya lumayan lah, namanya juga usaha sampingan.  Tapi usaha tersebut ternyata banyak menyita waktu, dan mengganggu jam kerja

dikantor, alhasil saat ini usaha tersebut perlahan redup tapi masih tetap saya pertahankan eksistensinya.

Sesaat dalam perjalanan pulang kantor, selama dalam perjalanan dari kantor ke rumah, saya melihat semakin banyak pembangunan apartemen di sekitar Jakarta Selatan.  Kemudian di benak saya berpikir, mungkinkah saya bisa memiliki apartemen di Jakarta?

Singkat kata, malam dan keesokan harinya saya pun mencoba survey ke beberapa lokasi apartemen menanyakan harga dan segala hal terkait kepemilikan apartemen.  Di salah satu lokasi di dekat TMP Kalibata, dua tahun yang lalu pada saat awal pembangunan, yang saya tau harga awal apartemen bersubsidi untuk type studio (+/- 25 m2) berkisar Rp. 148.000.000,-  tapi alangkah terkejutnya saya setelah tau untuk harga type yang sama saat ini berkisar Rp. 230.000.000 - Rp. 250.000.000,- dan sejak awal tahun 2012 seluruh unit di kompleks apartemen tersebut pun sudah sold out (laris manis bak kacang goreng).

Secara kebetulan tidak jauh dari lokasi pertama, terdapat areal pembangunan apartemen yang tergolong masih tahap awal pembangunan, pikir saya pasti harga nya masih standar dan belum terlalu mahal.  Untuk type studio, harga jual nya Rp. 175.000.000,-. Ada beberapa orang membeli apartemen dengan tujuan untuk disewakan baik dalam kondisi kosongan (unfurnished) maupun kondisi furnished. Kalo begitu tidak ada salahnya jika saat itu membayangkan memiliki apartemen untuk kemudian saya sewakan.  Berbekal pengalaman 2 tahun tinggal di rumah kontrakan di sekitar areal apartemen tersebut (di daerah pancoran jakarta selatan, saya bisa mengambil asumsi besar nilai sewa apartemen type studio sekitar Rp. 17.000.000 - 20.000.000 per tahun (unfurnirshed).

Dan dari sisa-sisa pengalaman menjadi seorang account officer di perbankan, analisa berikut saya tampilkan untuk memberikan gambaran perhitungan kasar kepemilikan apartemen dan beberapa keuntungannya.

APARTEMEN XXX (Apartemen Bersubsidi)

- Lokasi  : Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan

- Type : Studio (25,25 m2)

- Harga Jual : 173.423.250

- Booking Fee :   2.000.000

- DP 30 % :  50.026.975

- Sisanya (KPR-Kredit Pemilikan Rumah/KPA-Kredit Pemilikan Apartemen) : 121.396.275

- Angsuran KPR (asumsi bunga KPR 10.5%) :   1.255.025 x 15 tahun


Nilai Sewa  : 20.000.000/tahun kondisi unfurnished  sama artinya dengan 1.666.667/bulan = Bisa buat nutup angsuran Bank,


ASUMSI 1 : Jika anda atau saya seorang single fighter (hanya anda yang bekerja, istri hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga/tidak bekerja), yang menjadi sedikit kendala adalah besar DP 30% sekitar 50.000.000, cara mengatasinya adalah anda dapat mencari mitra bisnis yang mau diajak, dengan perhitungan sbb :

- DP biasanya dicicil selama 3-6 bulan tergantung aturan main developer

- Modal awal (mitra bisnis) hanya 30 % = 50.000.000 untuk pembayaran DP

- Keuntungan mitra bisnis : mendapatkan 30 % dari nilai sewa apartemen (20.000.000) = 6.000.000 per tahun.

- Bandingkan jika mitra bisnis memilih uang 50.000.000 tersebut di masukan ke deposito bank (asumsi : rata-rata bunga deposito 6 % per tahun), maka yang didapatkan hanya = 3.000.000 per tahun.

- Dan sisa angsuran bulanan KPR nya didapatkan dari uang sewa.

ASUMSI 2: Jika anda dan istri anda bekerja. Kondisi ini akan semakin memuluskan rencana anda untuk berpeluang menjadi seorang pengusaha apartemen, namun dengan catatan : kondisi keuangan rumah tangga anda bersih / bebas dari angsuran ini dan itu /tidak mempunyai hutang di bank manapun.  Jika anda memiliki tabungan sebesar 50.000.000 untuk membayar DP berarti sudah tidak ada masalah, namun jika anda masih belum mempunyai tabungan maka salah satu solusi nya anda dan istri anda bisa mengajukan fasilitas pinjaman Kredit Tanpa Agunan (KTA)/koperasi simpan pinjam kantor anda dengan tenor biasanya maksmimal 5 tahun dengan angsuran per bulan sekitar  Rp. 1.500.000.

Mudah bukan?? namun bagaimana dengan resiko bisnisnya?

Keuntungan dari bisnis apartemen :

- harga apartemen dan harga sewa kontrak naik pertahun (rata-rata mengalami kenaikan 10% per tahun)

- ga perlu repot mikir maintenence bulanan/harian karena biasanya penyewa yang akan membayar service charge;

- lokasi strategis di tengah jakarta; banyak peminatnya pula mulai dari kalangan mahasiswa, pegawai bahkan jika anda berminat anda bisa menyewakan dalam kondisi furnished sehingga nilai sewa bisa lebih tinggi dan dapat disewakan harian/mingguan/bulanan.

- Dalam 15 tahun (setelah angsuran KPR selesai) anda sudah bisa memiliki aset berupa apartemen dengan nilai jual 15 tahun kedepan yang sudah mengalami kenaikan.

Jika dibandingkan dengan usaha lain, saya mengambil contoh kasus usaha omprengan mobil dimana modal awal relatif besar (minimal mobil xenia-avanza), masih ribet dengan mengurus servis mobil, pembayaran supir, 5 tahun mobil sudah jebol + harga mobil mengalami penurunan yang drastis.

Untuk memulai beralih menjadi seorang pengusaha, mungkin ada benarnya kutipan sebuah slogan seorang tokoh politik di spanduk besar di area warung buncit - jakarta selatan : “Ada 1001 kesempatan dan hanya butuh satu keberanian untuk melakukannya”

Anda berminat?? silahkan mencoba …..


Artikel ditulis oleh : Yohanes Anggoro


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Apartemen the Green Pramuka Tower Chrysant diskon 30 juta


Dijual Apartemen Tower Chrysant Tipe 33 (2BR), View Garden, lantai 20
Harga Standard Rp. 322.200.000
Cash keras cashback Rp. 30.000.000 , harga nett : Rp. 292.200.000,
KPA cashback Rp. 15.000.000 , harga nett : Rp. 307.200.000,

Bagi anda yang bekerja di Jakarta dan menginginkan tempat tinggal yang representative, nyaman dan memiliki fasilitas yang super lengkap, The Green Pramuka Apartment bisa menjadi solusi.  The green Pramuka Apartment memiliki konsep green apartemen yang berada di tengah kota Jakarta.  Mengusung konsep Modern and Green Healthy Living dengan fasilitas lengkap untuk mendukung aktifitas dan gaya hidup Anda. Luas lahan Green Pramuka Residence sebesar 12 ha,  dengan  10 ha  lahan digunakan untuk taman dan ruang terbuka  hijau, rencananya  terdiri dari 17 tower Apartemen. Selain itu, ada berbagai macam fasilitas untuk menunjang Hidup Modern Anda. Bagi anda yang bekerja di Jakarta dapat langsung merasa nyaman saat pulang ke tempat tinggal, karena suasana hunian yang nyaman dan asri.

Fasilitas Apartemen Green Pramuka diantaranya:
- Basement 2 lantai dengan area parkir yang luas,
- Access Card & MATV, Bicycle Track dan Joging Track
- Swimming Pool di tiap Tower (ada 17 Tower)
- Children Playground
- Outdoor activity
- Barbaque garden
- Basket ball & Tennis cort
- Fresh Market, Shopping Center, Food Court, Cafe & Resto
- ATM & Banking
- School

Info detail, hubungi:
Telpon  :021-9914 9914 / 0815 8115863, pin BB : 29877107



An apartment located in central Jakarta ( HI round area ) between the class 1 and class 2. In Office center, shopping center and entertainment center. Certified Property developers Stratatitle with a trusted name for 40 years in the property sector in Indonesia. Easy access from all directions across Jakarta. Very high investment value.

This apartment has the concept of "work to city" is equipped with the following facilities:

  • Lift Private
  • Play Ground & Picnic Garden
  • Yoga Area
  • Swimming Pool
  • Kids Pool
  • Coffee Shop
  • Mini Golf
  • Pool Bar
  • Jacuzzi
  • Sauna, Spa & Reflexiology
  • Drug Store
  • Mini Market
  • Lundry
  • Community Center
  • Lounge & Library
  • Gym & Aerobic
  • 24 keamanan CCTV
  • etc


Price :

Type Studio Start from IDR 650 Million
Type 1 BR  Start from IDR 850 Million
Type 2 BR    Start from IDR 1.1 Billion
Type 2 BR suite B Start from IDR 1,7 Billion
Type 3+1 BR suite A Start from IDR 2,4 Billion (exc  discount)

Prices are subject to change without notice and for further information please contact:

Triyono di  087883193946
pin BB : 28F39D5

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Green Pramuka Apartment


The Green Pramuka Apartment is exclusive apartments located in a strategic location as it is right at the confluence of three regions Jakarta (Jakarta, North Jakarta and East Jakarta), built with the concept of green in an area of ​​12.9 hectares site with 80% open green space with environment sustainable. The Green Scout Apartment is the only apartment in Jakarta that have complete infrastructure and in different development projects similar properties for more attention to the arrangement of the environment are integrated, meaning not just a place to stay but also communities and a healthy environment.

After the success of the first Tower (Faggio) and Tower both (Pino), on July 2, 2011 The Green Scout Tower Apartment hold a premiere in the third (Chrysant) that the construction has started on the second half of 2011 and is expected to be completed in 2014.

The Green Pramuka Apartment developers are PT. Prosperous Paramindo ambassador who is experienced developers in the field of construction contractor since 1987, ranging from the construction of housing, offices, airport support facilities and hotels. And is currently working with PT. Angkasa Pura I strive to meet community needs for affordable housing, conveniently located, which is expected to be the alternative housing in the city a comfortable and healthy.


image image



One of the hallmarks of The Green Pramuka Apartment is having a five-star apartments with complete facilities such as jogging and bicycle track, a swimming pool, basketball court, tennis court, playground, skate park, climbing wall, café & restaurant, shopping center, food court, fresh market, supermarket, garden barbeque, ATM and banking center, medical center, card access and 24 hour security. And in each Tower will have 2 basement floors for parking the vehicle occupants.


Contact :

Jl. Jend. A. Yani Kav 49,
Jakarta Pusat 10570
Telp. (021) 420 8989
Fax. (021) 422 6689

Official Website :